Farai Hove Masaisai awarded the red barrister bag by Senior Counsel Elton Prescott, SC
The 23rd April 2021 was one of the Most Momentus Day in Farai Hove Masaisai’s legal career of Ten Years. He was gifted A Red Bag by Learned Senior Counsel Elton Prescott SC.
The Barristers bags are also called “Brief Bags” and there is a very interesting history behind them.
They are an essential part of the Barrister’s regalia. Brief Bags are made in both blue and red cloth. They are often carried by Attorneys and used to store books, wigs and robes. Brief Bags usually bear the owners initials monogrammed on them, to assist with identification of the bag. The colour of the Brief Bags for Junior Counsel, i.e. not Senior Counsel (SC) in Trinidad and Tobago is dark blue. For SC’s red/burgundy coloured bags are used green bags for members of the Judiciary.
Although red bags may only be purchased by SC’s, they are permitted to award a red bag to a Junior Counsel whom they have worked with, usually in relation to cases that concludes at Trial or Appeal with favourable outcomes. Most SC’s would expect continuous success from the deserving Junior.
The red bags are considered to be a badge of merit or a right of passage and it is a prestigious honour to receive one from a Senior Counsel you have worked with.
They are given in recognition of contribution to the development of the Jurisprudence and legal work undertaken over and above the call of duty by the Junior. A note from the SC is usually placed inside the bag, which itself signals to the world that the Junior has gained worthy recognition. Congratulations again to our Senior Partner Mr. Farai Hove Masaisai Esq.